Mark Ashton, sat alongside Kieran McKenna, announced the manager’s new four-year contract in front of the TownTV cameras. Following an intense period of speculation, it was confirmed that the Northern Irishman would remain at Ipswich Town.

“The show goes on,” Ashton said at the end of his opening statement. Links to Manchester United, Chelsea and Brighton & Hove Albion had been plastered all over the press and social media. It was clear that conversations took place, but ultimately, McKenna decided that Portman Road is the place for him to be.

East Anglian Daily Times: Kieran McKenna says he's delighted to sign a new deal at TownKieran McKenna says he's delighted to sign a new deal at Town (Image: PA)
“I’m delighted with the news today,” he said after signing the deal. “I’m really looking forward to the future ahead and continuing the journey that we’ve been on.

“I’m aware of it [the speculation]. I think it’s part and parcel of success as a football club, really, that staff members and players will have interest.

“There’s been interest from other clubs and it’s a short career as a manager, so it’s right to consider these things, but I’m so, so happy with the decision I’ve made and I’m so, so happy to commit my future to this club.

“I’m really looking forward to next season. I can’t wait to get started.”

McKenna knows that rumours don’t just vanish when you’re doing well, and back-to-back promotions have made him one of the highest-profile young managers in English football.

East Anglian Daily Times: McKenna's new contract will run until 2028McKenna's new contract will run until 2028 (Image: ITFC)

The 38-year-old is adamant that it’s not just down to him, however, but rather the efforts of everyone at the club, which will lead to increased speculation surrounding his position.

“I think everyone’s been doing a good job,” he argued. “We know it’s been an incredible couple of seasons and the club is now returning to the Premier League for the first time in 22 years. What an exciting thing to be part of.

“It’s a brilliant time, it’s a brilliant time to be in the town. I’m so excited to lead the team, the group and the club into next season, and the first season back in the Premier League.”

Asked why he decided to say at Ipswich, McKenna sat back and took a moment to think. It’s clear that a lot of thoughts have gone through his head in the last two weeks, but ultimately, there was more than enough to lead him to this conclusion despite his aspirations to manage at the top level of the game.

READ MORE: Kieran McKenna signs new four-year deal to end managerial speculation

“There’s so many reasons,” he explained. “It’s been an incredible journey that we’ve been on, it’s been the club that I took my first steps in management with. Mark maybe had the foresight to give me that opportunity and we’d like to think it’s worked out pretty well.

“It’s a fantastic football club. I’m so proud to manage this football club every day. I say this as a manager – you have to do what’s right for yourself and your family as well, and I’ve made it clear that I’m really ambitious and I want to manage at the very, very highest levels of the game at some point in my career.

“But the opportunity to lead this club back into the Premier League after everything we’ve been through in the last couple of years, the responsibility to lead that group and take that step into the Premier League for players, staff, supporters. It’s going to be the first time for a generation of supporters to see this club in the Premier League.

East Anglian Daily Times: The Northern Irishman guided Town to back-to-back promotionsThe Northern Irishman guided Town to back-to-back promotions (Image: PA)

“To have enjoyed the last two years so much, now to have the opportunity to take the team back into the Premier League, it was something that I couldn’t miss out on. It’s something that I couldn’t miss out on and I’m so excited for the steps that are ahead of us now.

“I have to say, on top of that, the club have been fantastic. My relationship with Mark has been as strong as ever and we’ve communicated throughout. I think it was known with the supporters that Ed Schwartz (CEO of ORG) flew over from America during the week for conversations that were incredibly appreciated in terms of him making that gesture. We had a really good conversation.

“The ambition of the club is really high. The support is fantastic and I feel like I’ve got such good support from everyone, from the ownership to the staff to the board to the playing group. That’s a pretty unique thing as a manager.

“I’m so grateful for that support and it makes me so excited for what’s to come ahead.”

Ashton has obviously had a slightly different perspective on this whole saga, but communication with McKenna has been key. The two have remained in touch throughout the last few weeks to discuss the future, which allowed the club to manage what looked like an incredibly difficult situation.

“Success brings its own challenges,” he admitted. “I think it’s probably been a very long time since this club has had this level of success. You probably look back to Sir Bobby [Robson], which was probably the last time a manager left this football club of their own choice.

East Anglian Daily Times: Ashton has had to balance the speculation with preparing for the upcoming Premier League campaignAshton has had to balance the speculation with preparing for the upcoming Premier League campaign (Image: PA)

“I think what Kieran has said is key. Our relationship right through since the last game of the season has remained absolutely the same. We’ve talked two or three times a day, we’ve probably seen more of each other than we would in the season and there’s been a lot to talk through.

“In the midst of this, we haven’t stopped talking about planning for next season, but success will bring a different type of challenge and we need to be ready for that because we will get more challenges as we move forward.

“Kieran said it. Communication, strength in the relationship, trust in that relationship, trust in that ownership, trust in Ed Schwartz, trust in the board, it’s been absolutely key.

“I think this is the best signing this club will make this summer, that’s for sure.”