A stranded Dutch yacht had to be assisted by a lifeboat crew after getting into difficulties.

The crew of a Dutch yacht was heading for Lowestoft when it suffered engine failure as they neared its destination and needed help to complete the journey.

Lowestoft RNLI lifeboat Patsy Knight was called out at 3.20pm on Monday, August 22 to go to the aid of the 11-metre yacht whose engine had failed.

The two sailors on the yacht had set out from Ijmuiden in the Netherlands the previous day but encountered problems with the engine and were unable to safely enter Lowestoft Harbour.

Lowestoft lifeboat coxswain John Fox said: "We soon reached the yacht, which was one-mile due east of the Stanford Channel.

"Having assessed the situation it was agreed that the safest way to help the crew was to tow the yacht into port.

"We arrived in the Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club marina at 4.30pm where the yacht was met by the Lowestoft Coastguard Rescue Team."