THEY are the shining stars of our dedicated hospital team.

At a glittering night, hundreds of staff and volunteers from Ipswich Hospital joined health chiefs, MPs and special guests at Trinity Park yesterday to celebrate together and honour award-winners across six categories.

The bi-annual event, supported by the Ipswich Star, is a chance for the selfless work carried out on the wards and in offices at the Heath Road trust every day.

Hosting the ceremony, outgoing chief executive Andrew Reed handed out the gongs with Star editor Nigel Pickover before bowing out after seven years in charge at the trust.

And Mr Reed received a standing ovation when he took the stage.

To kick start the night of celebrations, the 24 winners of trust’s internal awards, Shining Lights – which runs throughout the year – received rapturous applause, setting the tone for the rest of the event.

Taking the first award of the night, in the Team of the Year category, staff from two of the hospital’s wards took to the stage to share the honour.

Rated third best in the country for best practice, Saxmundham ward were recognised for their care for older patients with crippling fractures.

Champions of falls prevention techniques, dementia care and dignity, the team were applauded for their first-class communication with patients.

Sharing the accolade, the Stroke Project Group on Shotley ward, were singled out for their hard work in transforming stroke care at the trust, helping take the service from one which was poor performing to one which is now recognised at regional and national level.

In the Clinician of the Year category, head matron for Trauma and Orthopaedics, Jan Wright, was handed the gong, recognised for her “enthusiasm and generosity” supporting all staff from healthcare assistants to general managers.

Taking the title as Volunteer of the Year, Robin Massey, a Red Cross volunteer who helps out in the A&E department, was singled out for his work to ensure all patients are comfortable and his understanding of how the team works allowing him to best help staff.

Associate director of nursing, Cath Gorman, was named winner in the Outstanding Contribution award, noted for her determination to “achieve the highest level of care for patients”, which sees her often working into the night to address any challenging issues she is faced with. She was a popular choice, receiving the second standing ovation of the night.

And patients and their families got the chance to have their say, voting in the Ipswich Star sponsored category, the Patients’ Favourite.

Healthcare assistant Sandra Wintrup, who works on Stradbroke ward, was picked by judges for her ability to provide patients with light relief and a laugh while protecting their dignity and helping with their practical needs.

One patient said: “When you are feeling down, she senses it.”

In the final award of the night, the Support Worker of the Year category, one of the trust’s Shining Light winners was honoured once more.

Acute medical secretary Sally Talbot was put forward for the accolade by her department who said they could not manage without her. And Debenham Ward matron Clare Carr also picked up an extra award for leadership.

Reflecting on the night, Star editor Mr Pickover said: “Awards like these highlight the outstanding work that goes on in our hospital every day.

“While we have celebrated winners across the seven categories, these honours are testament to the dedication of each and every member of staff at the trust.

“It is an honour to share their extraordinary stories and celebrate their fantastic achievements.”

Mr Reed said: “It is a lovely event to bow out on. All I can do is thank everyone and those colleagues not here for the fantastic work you have done in making Ipswich hospital a hospital to be absolutely proud of and it is a hospital that I have had great privilege to lead. I will treasure it for the rest of my career.

Nigel Beverley, interim chief executive, said: “I am overwhelmed by the energy and passion of staff. It is fantastic to see and I can’t wait to work with them all to take the hospital forward.”

Ipswich MP Ben Gummer said: “The staff awards show what a remarkable place Ipswich Hospital is. It is extraordinary to see so many dedicated people here.

“It is an Ipswich Hospital which is very different to two years ago. There is a new sense of confidence and while we have got some hurdles it is an exciting time and I would like to congratulate all staff.”

The awards were sponsored by the East of England Co-operative Society, Evolve Innovation by Kainos, Prettys Solicitors and Netcall.

Team of the Year – Saxmundham Ward and the Stroke Project Group on Shotley Ward

Clinician of the Year – Jan Wright, head matron for Trauma and Orthopaedics. Highly commended – Gillian Clarke, Occupational Therapy lead

Volunteer of the Year – Robin Massey, Red Cross. Highly Commended – Peter Brunning, Outpatient Welcome volunteer and volunteer on the Caring for Carers Group

Outstanding Contribution Award – Cath Gorman, associate director of nursing. Highly commended – Tracey Wakeling, head matron for Special Surgery and Annie Ribbons, midwife

Patients’ Favourite Award – Sandra Wintrup, healthcare assistant. Highly commended – Etaine Connolly, nurse

Support Colleague of the Year – Sally Talbot, Acute Medical Unit secretary. Highly commended – Sharon Randall, Coloproctology secretary