An inspiring young boy has pulled out all the stops by completing a 14-mile bike ride in aid of a cause close to his heart.

Jake Aldred, 6, who lives in Gorleston, decided to raise money for sick babies at James Paget's neonatal clinic when he was out on a bike ride with his dad.

At first, Jake wanted to help everyone in the world but his parents helped him narrow it down to a cause in the local community.

East Anglian Daily Times: Jake Aldred, 6, decided to raise money for sick babies at James Paget's neonatal clinic.Jake Aldred, 6, decided to raise money for sick babies at James Paget's neonatal clinic. (Image: Rebecca Aldred)

Jake soon chose the neonatal clinic at the hospital because he wanted to help sick babies.

Jake's mum, Rebecca Aldred, 39, said Jake has always been kind at heart.

East Anglian Daily Times: Jake out and about on his bike during the big day.Jake out and about on his bike during the big day. (Image: Rebecca Aldred)

Mrs Aldred said: "Jake is just such a caring and kind boy and he always goes out of his way to think about how he can help people less fortunate than himself.

"During the lockdown he has been posting stuff to his cousins in London and worrying over whether my mum is all right living alone."

East Anglian Daily Times: The route Jake took on his 14-mile bike ride.The route Jake took on his 14-mile bike ride. (Image: Rebecca Aldred)

Jake set out on the challenging 14-mile bike ride around much of Gorleston, Bradwell and the south part of Great Yarmouth on Saturday, May 22.

Along the way, he had friends and family cheering him on from the side as his close family walked alongside him.

East Anglian Daily Times: Jake taking on the 14-mile bike challenge.Jake taking on the 14-mile bike challenge. (Image: Rebecca Aldred)

Mrs Aldred said: "At first Jake was nervous and overwhelmed but as soon as he got going he was fantastic and everyone came out to cheer him on.

"I want to say a massive thank you to Maxine at the hospital who helped Jake put together his fundraising page on the hospital website.

"Also to Sam Race who put together such a lovely balloon arch for Jake which was a complete surprise for him."

Jake's initial target for fundraising was £100 but when he raised more than £500 in just 48 hours, this target was raised to £750.

So far, he has raised £776 which will prove to be vital for the neonatal clinic at the hospital.

East Anglian Daily Times: Jake's fundraising means the neonatal clinic will be able to get a new bed.Jake's fundraising means the neonatal clinic will be able to get a new bed. (Image: Rebecca Aldred)

Mrs Aldred said: "The money that Jake has raised so far means the hospital will be able to buy a new bed for the ward which is great news."

If you want to donate to Jake's fundraising page you can do so here.