Norwich-based Beattie Passive’s culture of improvement and innovation secures the Norfolk Business Awards Tech Innovator title, sponsored by Computer Service Centre.

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The drive for greener homes has seen a lot of change from house builders, but the level of fresh thinking, smart technology and changed practices used by Beattie Passive saw the Norwich firm secure the Tech Innovator award, sponsored by Computer Service Centre, at the Norfolk Business Awards.

“Innovation is one of the core founding principles of Beattie Passive. Ever since the beginning, we’ve been determined to lift the standard of building across the industry and we’ve developed a whole new way of building,” says founder Ron Beattie. The firm’s aim is to deliver Passivehaus standard – which is the gold standard for energy-efficient design – on every build.

“Over time we have innovated our build system to bring a number of products to market to suit any budget or any purpose, and we continue to do so to this day,” Mr Beattie says. “I believe it is this determination to bring about changes to housebuilding for the better, combined with our ability to innovate and adapt our products to better serve people’s needs, that have helped ensure our success.”

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The team was, he says, "ecstatic" to win the award.

“We’re a relatively small company for the scale we build and deliver at, and everyone at Beattie Passive works exceptionally hard to make what we do possible. It really is a team effort, so it was fantastic to win this award as it serves as great recognition for all of the hard work that everyone puts in every day,” he says, adding that the reaction on social media and in client meetings was hugely positive. “It is safe to say that our suppliers and customers were very happy for us!”

Mr Beattie says that the process of entering the awards was also positive. “It allowed us to look back on our progress so far as a business and take in just how far we have come since 2010,” he says. “It has definitely made us appreciate the need to constantly innovate on our products and our build systems to stay competitive and meet the ever-changing needs of our clients. It’s also been warming to revisit the positive results of our innovations and the impact our homes have had on resident’s quality of life.”

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The firm is currently working on some substantial contracts across the UK and is starting to have discussions with other interested parties both in the UK and overseas, reaching as far away as the United States and New Zealand.

“We’ve seen interest in Passivhaus and in what we do increase substantially, so for 2021 the sky really is the limit,” says Mr Beattie.

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