Saturday saw an Essex pub celebrate 42 years of family ownership.

Located in Bures Hamlet, The Eight Bells was purchased in 1980 by Willie and Barbara Amos.

Sadly, Barbara passed away in late 2020, but the venue has remained under both Willie's and his family's stewardship since.

"I'd like to think we're fairly popular," said Willie's daughter, Sarah Norton.

"I've been here with my dad since he took over.

"To be celebrating 42 years gives us all a real sense of achievement."

East Anglian Daily Times: Willie Amos has been the pub's landlord since 1980Willie Amos has been the pub's landlord since 1980 (Image: Archant)

The Eight Bells prides itself on being "an old-fashioned pub that does food".

"We're not a restaurant, we never have been", said Sarah.

"I do the cooking but it's all stuff I would have cooked my family for dinner when they were young."

The establishment has also become a staple of the Bures Hamlet community, hosting local events and getting involved with the village school, festivals and football matches.

"We always try to support the local community," said Sarah.

"For me, that's what this is all about.

"My children all went through the school and my grandchildren are there now.

"Having a pub in a small village means you have to do what you can."

The family were set to mark 40 years in 2020, but celebrations were put on hold as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

East Anglian Daily Times: The Eight Bells has become a staple of the Bures Hamlet communityThe Eight Bells has become a staple of the Bures Hamlet community (Image: Archant)

However, this year's party has coincided with Sarah and her husband's wedding anniversary, giving cause for a double celebration.

Looking ahead, the family have no plans to stop any time soon.

"People ask me all the time what we're going to do and I really don't know.

"My dad's 86 but he's still active and does well for his age.

"All I know is being at home during lockdown made me realise I wasn't ready to retire yet.

"So I think we're going to muddle along as we are for the next few years at least."