Businesses can learn a lot from the England women’s triumph at Euro 2022, according to Mike Bowden, marketing and PR manager at Cory Brothers.

The summer of 2022 is fully underway and is already awash with drama of the highest order. If we suspend our frontline business focus, reserved for the current financial headwinds we’re all facing (let alone the political merry-go-round), we can breathe in the monumental success achieved by the England women’s football team.

On Sunday night, the nation stopped to watch history unfold and a motivated team of women become record-breakers, history-makers and inspirational heroes to women, children and men around the UK.

Cory Brothers’ head office in Ipswich is buzzing with joy. All the office crew watched the game and are still regaling how brilliant it was whilst learning more about the players, the league set-up and the origins of how an unfavoured England team managed to conquer Germany, the favourites, and “bring football home”.

In business and sporting pursuits, the journey to success is always worth exploring and learning from. Cory Brothers is celebrating its 180th year, and part of our legacy can be seen in the communities around us.

As a trusted service provider, we rely on our people to maintain the high standards that are pivotal to our ongoing success. This treasured trait is embedded into our positive culture and is extended into our relationships with all our stakeholders.

The local communities where we’re based are part of us. We’re delighted to financially support lots of local good causes including sportspeople and teams (men, women and children) – from Ipswich Cranes Hockey club to Felixstowe Rugby Club, with hot rods, basketball, netball, football, boxing, sailing and a lot more to be announced soon.

These community clubs are where you’ll find the next set of future sports champions and heroes. One day, you can expect some to be competing in the Premier League, the Rugby World Cup or just maybe at the Women’s Euros again. The community clubs need the support of business, and businesses need the community. Without financial support from local business, some sports teams would have to close their doors – unable to provide the sports facilities and coaching that our communities, and particularly our children, deserve.

East Anglian Daily Times: Ipswich Cricket Club is one of the local sports teams sponsored by Cory BrothersIpswich Cricket Club is one of the local sports teams sponsored by Cory Brothers (Image: Mike Bowden)
With 180 years of trading under our belt, our legacy is within the communities. From humble beginnings in Cardiff, to becoming a worldwide business with a revered and a respected reputation, Cory Brothers’ legacy could also be viewed in many other ways: business longevity, staying relevant, stability, or even a maintaining a healthy balance sheet. The community remains a vital part of our business and legacy, and doing our bit is exactly what the community can expect.

For now, we congratulate the England women’s football team on an outstanding tournament, for giving the nation a lift, for inspiring more people to play sport and for underlining how important it is to back your local community sports teams.

For more information, visit or follow Cory Brothers on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.