A SIX-tonne magnet has been delivered to The Rivers Hospital, Sawbridgeworth, as part of a magnetic resonance imaging scanner to be housed in the new £3.5m imaging centre.

The delivery forms part of a major development project at the hospital to house the latest technology and diagnostic scanning equipment, as well as six new outpatient consulting rooms, two patient treatment rooms, and a medical secretary and management suite.

The hospital has used mobile scanning facilities on site for a number of years but the installation of a fixed scanner will improve access to diagnostic facilities and support the work of specialist consultants.

Regional hospital manager Richard Parsons said: "The delivery of the magnet is an exciting step towards opening our new imaging centre. We look forward to offering an extended range of high quality diagnostic imaging services to our patients within the Rivers Hospital in the very near future."

Work on the new centre started last August and should be completed by Monday, July 21.