Controversial plans for two homes behind a village pub have been recommended for refusal. 

Land behind the Six Bells pub in Felsham, between Stowmarket and Bury St Edmunds, has been at the centre of a number of planning applications over the years as developers seek permission to build houses.

New plans for two homes were lodged with Mid Suffolk District Council in September, and the proposals will be discussed at a meeting of the planning committee on Wednesday, November 20.

Residents in the village have voiced their concerns in response to the latest proposals, submitted by Arcady Architects on behalf of Lexden Homes (Colchester) Ltd.  

Previous plans have been refusedPrevious plans have been refused (Image: Google Maps) Felsham Parish Council said: "This application does not contribute to the local area and negatively impacts on the Felsham Conservation Area, the ecology and the wildlife within the proposed site, the harm to the character and setting of the listed pub, the potential loss of community amenities and the road safety concerns raised by almost all the residents in their objections. 

"Felsham Parish Council feels this application is detrimental to the village and strongly object to this application."

It is the eighth application relating to homes for the land, according to planning history.

Previous concerns have been raised in regards to the impact it would have on the conservation area. 

"The harm identified to the significance of the Conservation Area, as a designated heritage asset, is considered to be less than substantial, of a high order," the report due to go before councillors next week said. 

It adds that it is considered the latest proposal would result in a loss of green space for the village and "result in harm to the character, quality, significance and visual amenity of the village built environment."

Councillors are also due to discuss plans for a new service station off the A140 in north Suffolk at the meeting.