Council staff have now cleared a bin in a Suffolk town centre that had been overflowing, causing concerns about the foul smell and risks to health.

Janet Abbott, a visitor to Leiston, sent photos to social media site Facebook showing the public bin overflowing, while a neighbouring dog mess bin was also over capacity.

Other posters on the page also reported finding bins in Church Square that also had too much waste.

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The overflowing dog bin which has been cleared by East Suffolk CouncilThe overflowing dog bin which has been cleared by East Suffolk Council (Image: Janet Abbott) Janet said: "When visiting Leiston today on Remembrance Day, I was quite shocked by what I see. Why is your local council not emptying these bins?

"It's more than a days worth, its smelly and disgusting, health and hygiene must come into this?"

READ MORE: Leiston news

A spokesperson for East Suffolk Council, which is responsible for clearing the bins, said: “We are grateful that people have been using these bins for their litter and we apologise that they were found to be full ahead of collection day.

"This was the result of a missed collection last week."

“The bins have today been emptied and we would like to thank the public for bringing this to our attention. People can report an issue with a litter bin or dog waste bin online.”

The bin was cleared on Tuesday.  

READ MORE: Suffolk news