RenewableUK's leadership team met government officials at Number 10 on Tuesday, October 22 to address key priorities for the UK’s clean energy sector.

The discussions focused on advancing critical initiatives to secure the country’s long-term sustainable energy future.

CEO Dan McGrail, director of offshore wind Jane Cooper and head of strategic communications Nathan Bennett represented RenewableUK in the talks.

The meeting covered a range of topics, including the impact of recent policy reforms on the clean energy landscape and opportunities to accelerate investment in the UK’s supply chain.

Further discussions centred on the role of the Industrial Growth Plan in shaping the government's upcoming industrial strategy and potential market reforms designed to provide long-term benefits for UK billpayers.

Expanding collaboration with the European Union on energy policy was also part of the agenda. 

“The meeting reaffirmed the government’s and RenewableUK’s shared commitment to developing a vibrant, innovative clean energy sector,” said CEO Dan McGrail.

“RenewableUK remains focused on working with policymakers, industry leaders and other stakeholders to drive forward policies that will secure sustainable energy growth and a cleaner future for the UK.”

RenewableUK is a trade association representing over 400 companies across the wind, wave and tidal energy sectors.