A 56-year-old stalker "fixated" and "obsessed" with a woman has been given a suspended jail sentence.

Nigel Proctor, of Girton Road in Haverhill, appeared at Suffolk Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday after previously being charged with stalking.

Proctor previously denied carrying out acts associated with stalking but later changed his plea to guilty.

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His car was seen at the victim’s place of work on nearly 60 separate occasions over a three-month period in 2023.

An interim Stalking Protection Order was then granted in July 2024, however, Proctor later breached this order.

The 56-year-old was given a 12-week sentence, suspended for 12 months, a two-year restraining order, and ordered to pay £450 costs and a victim’s surcharge of £115.

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He was also required to attend a 15-day rehabilitation activity.

Acting police sergeant Steven Fox said: “Proctor’s actions were intrusive and included the four behaviours of stalking: Fixated, obsessed, unwanted and repeated.

“I would like to commend the bravery of the woman who came forward to report her experience  and hope this sentence will encourage other victims of stalking to report it.”