Plans for 40 new affordable homes at a village site that has already secured outline planning permission have been recommended for approval. 

Reserved matters proposals on details for the appearance, scale, layout and landscaping for 40 new builds on land south of Melvin Way in Woolpit will go before Mid Suffolk District Council's planning committee on October 23. 

Applicant Minster Property Group secured outline permission for the 2.29 hectare site in 2022. 

Now in its reserved matters stage, the proposed homes would be mainly two-storey semi-detached units, alongside five bungalows.

A report that will go before the committee on October 23 reads: "As part of the reserved matters proposal, the scheme seeks to provide 100% affordable dwellings on the site, as opposed to a mix of private and affordable units as was proposed under the outline planning application." 

Four comments of objection have been lodged against the proposal with concerns ranging from loss of habitat to increased noise and highway safety issues, as well as loss of privacy, open space and light. 

Woolpit Parish Council has said councillors wish to see plots 37 and 38 become bungalows so as to protect the privacy of neighbouring properties on Heath Road.

They said: "Councillors appreciate the steps taken by the developer to mitigate some of our concerns by having no windows on the elevation overlooking the gardens of properties on Heath Road.

"There needs to be additional landscaping along the boundary of the site with all properties along Heath Road and in particular Oaklands to protect residents amenity and to some degree privacy." 

They also suggested pedestrian and cycle links need to remain as public access. 

Officers have recommended the plans are approved on the condition that a deed of variation to the s106 agreement that recognises the 100% affordable housing proposal is completed.

Councillors will debate the plans on Wednesday, October 27.