Hundreds of children's inflatable costumes which pose a high risk of strangulation have been seized by Suffolk Trading Standards.

In all, 425 costumes have been seized by trading standards officers.

The product is understood to present a high risk of asphyxiation because the drawstrings around the neck of the costumes are excessively long.

READ MORE: 4,000 unsafe items set for eBay seized by Suffolk Trading Standards

Trading standards say the drawstrings could get caught and tighten around a child’s neck, strangling or injuring them.

The product also failed to meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.

A spokesman said the goods were imported from China and were destined for sale on Amazon.

READ MORE: Suffolk Crime News

The listings have now been removed from the site and the goods have been destroyed.

"Importers are responsible for ensuring that all the products imported comply with UK product safety legislation. It is a criminal offence to supply an unsafe or non-compliant product," say trading standards. 

Anyone who has purchased a product and thinks it may be unsafe should stop using it immediately and report it to Trading Standards on 0808 223 1133.