The owner of an XL bully which attacked a police officer has been jailed for two years.

Police were searching Jade Hubbard’s house in Gregory Street in Sudbury for the suspect of another crime when her dog bit one of the officers on the arm.

The defendant, 36, was “obnoxious, abusive and obstructive”, Judge Martyn Levett said, and she refused to tell police where the suspect was - but they found him hiding in a cupboard.

Jane Hubbard was obnoxious, abusive and obstructiveJane Hubbard was obnoxious, abusive and obstructive, the court was told (Image: Newsquest) The injuries were described as “nasty” and initially the hospital was unable to stitch the wound because they feared it might be infected.

The dog is to be destroyed, and an order was made for Hubbard to be disqualified from owning a dog.

“Dog attacks, in my judgement, are devastating for victims and their families, which is why tough action has to be taken”, said Judge Levett.

Hubbard was also sentenced for a “devastating” assault on another woman in Sudbury.

The assault happened late at night in Woodhall Business Park in July last year.

A description of the violence was read to the court, and it was said the defendant grabbed the victim’s hair and got on top of her then put two fingers up her nose.

“I thought she was going to pull my nose off,” the victim said in an impact statement. “I felt there was nothing I could do.”

Judge Levett said Hubbard screamed “do you want me to rip your nose off?” and then bit the victim’s left arm and would not let go.

During sentencing, Judge Levett said: “The effect of your assault has been devastating."

Speaking of the victim, he added: “She has had two breakdowns, and she lost her job because of this.

“She has been diagnosed now with anxiety and depression.”

Judge Levett said “the injuries inflicted were very nasty” and he said these included black eyes, bruised ears, scarred nostrils and a bloodied lip.

Hubbard previously admitted all the offences and the court heard she has a very extensive history of criminality.

Judge Levett described her 113 previous convictions as “record breaking” and added this was her 56th court appearance.

“I know of no other case where the courts have passed every conceivable sentence but nothing seems to stop you from reoffending," said Judge Levett.

For the dog attack, Hubbard received an eight-month jail sentence and for the assault she received a consecutive 16-month sentence.