Land at a golf club could be sold to secure its long-term future and allow for a new dormitory to be built at a nearby school. 

Finborough School has submitted plans to build on an adjacent plot next to its site, which is currently owned by Stowmarket Golf Club. 

If approved, a new single storey boarding block would be built alongside additional teaching rooms. 

A parcel of land at the golf club, near to the school site, would be sold in order to facilitate for the developmentA parcel of land at the golf club, near to the school site, would be sold in order to facilitate for the development (Image: Newsquest) A design and access statement said the new dormitory would be "low in profile". 

The plans say discussions have taken place between the golf club and the school regarding the sale of the land. 

Money from the sale would be put towards funding a series of projects. 

Among the proposed plans is replacing the irrigation system, which is in need of repair, and further refurbishment to the clubhouse. 

A statement said: “This investment is dependent upon increasing members investment in the club, which is reaching its limit, and selling a parcel of land to Finborough School to develop a much-needed dormitory block and provide amenity land and relocate footpaths which can be maintained in much better condition, particularly in winter, and provide for uninterrupted views across to Buxhall, all of which we fully support." 

School director James Sinclair said the additional facilities would provide a "greater range of facilities for the students' continued development."

"These developments would create further employment for additional teaching staff, residential staff, cleaners and grounds staff as well as providing benefits for the local community," a statement of need said. 

Planning documents show an area has been earmarked for a community gym. 

Access to the site would be remain unchanged, with traffic to enter the site through the main school sites. 

The design and access statement adds nearby residents will be unaffected. 

An application is being made to divert footpaths which run through the proposed site.