A 41-year-old Suffolk man who couldn’t accept the breakdown of a relationship relentlessly called and messaged his ex-partner and threatened her new partner has been given a suspended prison sentence.

The victim fled to Cornwall to stay with her family after David Hearst messaged and called him her 76 times in three days telling her he loved her and turned up at her house after seeing a picture of her and her new partner on Facebook, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

Hearst had also bought the woman flowers and cigarettes and paid £500 into her bank account.

He also sent a message to her new partner saying: “I’m coming for you my friend. You can’t take what’s mine."

He also left a voicemail threatening to “open him up”, the court heard.

Hearst, of The Green, Bury St Edmunds, admitted sending a malicious communication and stalking his ex-partner.

He was given a 15 month prison sentence suspended for 18 months.

He was also given a 25 day rehabilitation activity requirement and a 120 day alcohol abstinence and monitoring requirement.

Adam Norris for Hearst said his client now accepted the relationship was over and he and his former partner were moving forward in a positive way.

“He is remorseful and accepts he crossed the line and wants to apologise,” said Mr Norris.