Plans for a new children's home in a Suffolk town has been given the go-ahead despite  concerns raised by neighbours. 

Babergh District Council has approved plans which would see 6 Ann Beaumont Way in Hadleigh converted into a children's home. 

The home will be run by Green White Health Health Care and Services. 

A number of concerns were raisedA number of concerns were raised (Image: Google Maps)

Three children will live at the home, while eight members of staff will be employed. 

A number of concerns were raised by neighbours and people living nearby, with 36 objections received. 

Complaints centred on noise from the home, anti-social behaviour, traffic and parking and that it was out of character with the area.

One objection read: "There are obvious parking issues with the proposed care home, as vehicles are already parking on the pavement most days whilst they work at the property, restricting access to the properties on the cul-de-sac. 

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"It does not have sufficient parking to allow vehicles to park on shift changes, when there will be double the amount of vehicles." 

In response to the concerns, the applicant said it will do "everything possible" to ensure the daily lives of neighbours is not impacted. 

It added that if neighbours had concerns, the company would seek to assist. 

An officer's delegated report said: "The proposed change of use from residential to a residential children's home is not considered to cause material harm to the amenity enjoyed by neighbouring properties. 

"Whilst it is noted that many of the representations received have raised concerns on potential noise that may be caused from the proposed use, consideration should be given to the fact that this noise cannot be proven to be increased over levels which would otherwise be expected from a private family home which may have three children." 

The report adds that the highway network would not be severely impacted.