Plans for an agricultural building in west Suffolk to be turned into four one-bedroom units have been refused over fears for suitability, location and daylight.

The change of use application for the building at Sparks Farm, Hurdle Drove, in West Row near Bury St Edmunds, was submitted to West Suffolk Council in July. 

Plans included the creation of four one-bedroom units of 70m each at the former cattle shed of utilitarian construction with a soil floor. 

A planning application before the council said: "One-bedroom dwellings for rental are not commonly available in the area. The conversion of this barn will provide much needed additional accommodation which will be economical to live in without impinging on the countryside assets of the area."

It also said the rental income will "help to financially secure the future of the farm for the next generation of the family." 

The planning statement explained West Row has seen multiple examples of agricultural units being converted into homes. 

The documents also stated the proposal would have retained the "general visual appearance of the existing barn". 

However, on September 16 West Suffolk Council opted to refuse the application. 

In a decision notice on the council portal officers said the structure is "not already suitable for conversion to residential use" and required works go "well beyond what could reasonably be considered as conversion." 

They also said the information provided "does not ascertain that existing foundations and the steel frame are structurally capable without substantial new structural elements to support the required works".

Other concerns included the location of the site, bedrooms having insufficient daylight and the plan exceeding the area occupied by the building. 

The plan was refused by West Suffolk Council.