A Suffolk woman has hailed her first horse safety campaign ride as a great success. 

Ruth Housden, who owns horses in Cornard Tye and works as a dog groomer in the area, was inspired to launch her own Pass Wide and Slow event after attending a similar event in Thetford. 

The Pass Wide and Slow road safety campaign aims to educate road users about the vulnerability of horse riders, with rides arranged to increase awareness.

Riders during the campaign rideRiders during the campaign ride (Image: Robbie and Amber Cook via Ruth Housden)The event took place on Sunday, September 15, and Ms Housden, who had estimated around 15 riders would attend, said it went above her expectations.

"We had 26 horses in total which was amazing. The ride went exceptionally well," she said.

"Drivers were very kind and understanding and seemed to quite like seeing the group riding together.

"We were lucky enough to have the Suffolk Constabulary escort us for the whole route and even said they would ride it with us next year." 

The route took riders and walkers from Ms Housden's yard down Canhams Road, Head Lane, Bures Road, Stannard Way, Pot Kiln Road, Raydon Way, Shawlands Avenue and back to the yard.