Four firefighters are aiming to break three gruelling world records in memory of late colleagues by taking part in the Ipswich Half Marathon this weekend. 

Bury St Edmunds crew manager Paul Shattock and Ipswich East firefighters Grant Whitehead, Ashley Buxton and George Trott will be running the 13.1 miles on September 22 wearing firefighting equipment.

The group aims to raise £10,000 in aid of the Fire Fighters Charity, the welfare organisation which offers specialist and lifelong support for members of the UK fire services community, and Cancer Research.

They are taking part in memory of their late colleagues Michael Matthews, Trevor Bryson, and Steve Simmons, along with others from the fire service community who have died from, or live with, cancer.

Mr Shattock will wear full protective equipment and breathing apparatus and is aiming to set the record in a new category - the fastest half-marathon dressed as a firefighter with self-contained breathing apparatus and breathing air from the cylinder.

Mr Trott and Mr Whitehead are hoping to beat the record for running a half-marathon while in full firefighting protective equipment and carrying breathing apparatus but not ‘under air’, which currently stands at three hours and 10 minutes.

Ashley will be in physical training kit whilst wearing a breathing apparatus set, for which the record is currently two hours and 21 minutes.

A full set of fire kit including boots, protective trousers and smock, and helmet, weighs around 100lbs (45kg), while fully-charged breathing apparatus weighs around 26lbs (12kg).

Sally Hammond, Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service group manager, said: "They have been working so hard for this, these records are tough but with the dedication and training they have put in I am sure they can do it.

“This has been a real fire service effort as they have been helped every inch of the way by a dedicated support team.

“It’s not just about the records though, the two charities are dear to the hearts of everyone involved and I would urge anyone at the half marathon who sees them to give them a cheer and perhaps make a donation.”

Councillor Steve Wiles, Suffolk County Council’s cabinet member for public protection, said: "Hats off to these firefighters, they have set themselves a phenomenal challenge and I know they will give it their best shot.

“I also send my best wishes to everyone else taking part in the half marathon. I hope you have a fabulous day.”

Anyone wishing to sponsor the firefighters can do so via