A consultation is set to take place in November on a scheme to encourage walking and cycling in a Suffolk seaside town, 18 months after the project was first launched.

Suffolk County Council will be speaking to residents in Grange Road in Felixstowe about the Active Travel scheme, which aims to prioritise pedestrians and cyclists over vehicles.

In March 2023, the council announced that £1.3million would be spent on improvements to Grange Road as part of £7.9m funding for similar schemes around the county provided by government agency Active Travel England.

READ MORE: Active Travel Woodbridge scheme has been watered down

However, progress on the plans appears to have stalled since the funding announcement was made.

But a county council spokesperson said: "There is no delay, we always said we would reconsult this year.

"We did the Ipswich schemes first and are now working up the others for consultation this autumn."

READ MORE: Woodbridge society's concerns about Active Travel scheme

A number of areas have been selected to receive a tranche of the funding, most prominently - and controversially - Woodbridge, which is getting £5m.

However, the plans sparked concerns among Woodbridge residents about the potential creation of a 20mph zone in the south of the town, along with physical restrictions, such as bollards, to close sections of Bilney Road, Bullard's Lane, California and near the railway bridge in Sandy Lane.

READ MORE: Felixstowe news

But in August, the council announced an apparent watering down of the proposals, with traffic calming measures provided instead of bollards and an emphasis on traffic survey work to investigate the possibility of more 20mph speed limits.

Schemes in Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds and Capel St Mary are also being funded.

The spokesperson added: "The county council has been developing some ideas and designs for an active travel scheme in Felixstowe and are looking to further consult residents on these plans in November."