Anger has broken out in a town after councillors voted to cut down two Leylandii trees in a cemetery. 

Eye Town Council met on Wednesday to discuss proposals to fell the trees in the cemetery and replace them with either Hornbeam or Field Maple trees. 

However, one resident who has loved ones buried there believes the council "do not understand how they feel".

"They do not understand how we feel about things being messed about up there," said Debbie Houldey. 

A vote to fell the trees took place earlier this weekA vote to fell the trees took place earlier this week (Image: Debbie Houldey) Ms Houldey feels there is "absolutely nothing wrong with the trees." 

"I am really angry. They are cutting down healthy trees," she continued.

A statement from Eye Town Council said: "There is no particular species of insect or animal that Leylandii support. 

"Felling them can make room for a wider variety of native plants and trees,  promoting a healthier, more eco-system. Over the last few years, it has been a goal of the council to increase the overall biodiversity of the town." 

Leylandii are not native to the UK and can act as a nesting site and cover for birds. 

Eye Town Council said it will plant Guelder Roses alongside the replacement trees to attract more birds. 

Ms Houldey added there are several ongoing problems with the cemetery. 

She said: "There are lots of issues going on with the cemetery and I can't understand why they want to be making issues with it. They seem to want to mess about with something that is quite important to us local people." 

The Eye Town Council statement adds: "Overall, while Leylandii can serve as windbreaks or privacy screens, their size, fast growth and potential hazards make them less desirable in sensitive locations like cemeteries, where maintaining a peaceful, safe and aesthetically pleasing environment is a priority.

"While we appreciate the passion some people have for the Leylandii, it has been decided by a full council vote to fell the trees."