An all-parliamentary group of MPs has asked for a scheme which would see improvements made to an important rail junction in Suffolk to be prioritised. 

The East of England All-Parliamentary Group believe improvements to Haughley and Ely rail junctions are key to unlocking economic growth across the country, supporting net zero and providing better passenger services.

Last October, the government confirmed funding would be made to deliver the scheme. 

In a letter to Transport Secretary Louise Haigh, the group of MPs has asked that the scheme is prioritised and that funding is released early. 

Upgrading the junctions would increase the number of freight trains which can travel to and from the Port of Felixstowe. 

Passenger services will also be able to increase. 

Jess Asato, MP for Lowestoft, is co-chair of the group.Jess Asato, MP for Lowestoft, is co-chair of the group. (Image: Labour Party)

Jess Asato, MP for Lowestoft and Co-Chair of the East of England All-Party Parliamentary Group, said: “The upgrading of Ely and Haughley junctions will benefit people and businesses right across East Anglia – including Lowestoft, the most easterly town and base for our essential off-shore energy industry.

"These schemes will enable increased passenger services, shift freight from road to rail, and will help achieve our ambitious decarbonisation targets. These projects must be funded as a priority."

Jack Abbott, MP for Ipswich, said: “The upgrades to the Ely and Haughley rail junctions represent critical infrastructure projects for our region.

“The East of England APPG have written to the Transport Secretary, Louise Haigh, as we continue to make the case for government support.

Will Quince, Chair of Transport East, which includes Haughley and the Port of Felixstowe, said: “Upgrading Ely and Haughley junctions are immediate priorities for the region.

"Solving these rail pinch points would help connect our growing places, energise our rural and coastal communities, and unblock our international gateways. All while helping achieve net zero transport and bringing into the Treasury five times the required investment. We must get these moving.”

Andrew Pakes, MP for Peterborough and Co-Chair of the East of England All-Party Parliamentary Group, said: “Improvements to Ely and Haughley are key to realising the Transport Secretary’s strategic priorities: improving the performance of our railways, transforming infrastructure right across the country; and delivering greener transport.