Non-essential roadworks in Ipswich should be suspended while repair work is carried out on the Orwell Bridge says town MP Jack Abbott.

He has written to Suffolk County Council leader Matthew Hicks asking for the suspension in a bid to ease congestion in the town.

His letter says: "While the bridge is partially closed, it would be wise to cancel all non-essential roadworks in Ipswich to ease the flow of traffic and prevent further jams.

"Will you please let me know if you will be cancelling your own planned roadworks and rescinding the permits for others until the bridge has fully reopened?"

Ipswich MP Jack AbbottIpswich MP Jack Abbott (Image: Roger Harris/House of Commons)

Mr Abbott said: “I have been contacted by numerous constituents and local businesses who have been affected by the closure of one lane of the Orwell Bridge, which is harming our local economy and causing chaos in our town." 

In his letter he points out that Ipswich Central has calculated that every day the bridge is closed it costs the town's economy £1m.

The MP also asks the county council to restart the Ipswich Transportation Taskforce that has not met since last year.

He said: "A reinvigorated taskforce would have the ability to bring together stakeholders, consult the public and make recommendations to Suffolk County Council and other decision-making bodies about strategic transport priorities in the area, including, but not limited to, the potential of a bypass north of the town."

One lane on the westbound carriageway of the bridge has been closed for a week and will not reopen until the end of next week.

And there will be two overnight closures of the westbound closure next week to allow the work to be completed.

It is understood that Mr Hicks is studying the letter and consulting with senior councillors and officers before sending a response to Mr Abbott.