A charity has opened its first ever office after 20 years.

The Rural Coffee Caravan, known for its 'coffee caravans' that visit isolated Suffolk villages, has set up headquarters in Walsham le Willows.

The office was officially opened on August 30, with supporters gathering for coffee and cake after the ribbon was cut by guest of honour and landlord, Richard Martineau.

Ann Osborn, the charity's CEO, said: “The reason we had to find an office is that I’ll be retiring in a couple of years, and we won’t be able to continue to work from my home.

Guest of Honour Richard Martineau cutting the ribbon of new RC C office Guest of Honour Richard Martineau cutting the ribbon of new RC C office (Image: Submitted)

"It’s not feasible for all staff to work from home anymore, plus an office is such an advantageous thing to have."

Mr Martineau said: “The fact that the Rural Coffee Caravan charity has opened an office in Walsham le Willows feels as though it is the result of Divine intervention.

"The fit was perfect.

"I hope The Rural Coffee Caravan charity will be as happy in their new home as we are to have them."