Suffolk MPs have been urged not to support plans to cut winter fuel payments for thousands of pensioners across the county. 

County council leader Matthew Hicks has warned all eight MPs that abolishing the payments could have a "devastating impact" on residents. 

About 177,000 people in Suffolk will be affected by the decision if implemented, Suffolk County Council said, while a total of 10 million pensioners will be affected nationally.

MPs are set to vote on the proposals on Tuesday.

Suffolk County Council leader Matthew Hicks has warned it could have a devastating impactSuffolk County Council leader Matthew Hicks has warned it could have a devastating impact (Image: Suffolk County Council)

Mr Hicks said: “The removal of winter fuel payments will have a devastating impact on many of our residents, particularly those living in rural areas.

"With homes in these locations often being less energy efficient and lacking access to mains gas, they rely on expensive alternatives like oil and wood. This, combined with the rising cost of heating oil, is putting increased financial pressure on households.

“Winter fuel payments provide a lifeline for many, and we urge Suffolk MPs to vote against any changes that would leave our most vulnerable without this crucial support.”  

Chancellor Rachel Reeves revealed proposals to restrict winter fuel payments to those only on pension credits or other means-tested benefits in July.

Chancellor Rachel Reeves announced the plans to cut winter fuel payments in JulyChancellor Rachel Reeves announced the plans to cut winter fuel payments in July (Image: Lucy North/PA)

She said the government has inherited a projected overspend of £22billion from the previous Conservative administration and needs to cut costs where it can.

The letter from Mr Hicks adds: "This cut will hit rural areas like Suffolk especially hard. Rural homes are statistically less energy efficient than urban homes, requiring more energy to maintain a safe and healthy temperature

"Without the support of the winter fuel allowance, many of our most vulnerable residents will face heating bills they simply cannot afford. Rural communities are already burdened with higher living expenses and limited access to essential services.

"Losing the winter fuel allowance will only push them into deeper hardship.

"I strongly urge you to consider the severe consequences this policy would have on your constituents and to vote against this cut."

Last week, Central Suffolk and North Ipswich MP Patrick Spencer welcomed the chance to vote on the matter.

"The Labour government is fundamentally wrong to scrap the winter fuel payment for pensioners," he said.

"I am pleased to have played my part in forcing Labour into a vote and I will continue to fight hard and stand up for pensioners here in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich by supporting the Conservative motion against these cruel cuts."