An east Suffolk man accused of pinning a woman down on his bed and raping her allegedly told her that no-one would believe her if she reported what he’d done to the police, a court has heard.

Glen Dale had allegedly climbed on top of the woman, who was hitting him and telling him to get off her, and removed her trousers and underwear, Ipswich Crown Court was told.

Dale had allegedly told the woman, who was still wearing her coat during the incident, that he was going to hold her hostage and he had then raped her, said William Carter, prosecuting.

When the woman went to leave Dale allegedly told her: “You aren’t going anywhere” and “You haven’t got any marls on you. It’s your word against mine. No-one will believe you.”

Dale, 32, of Normanston Drive, Lowestoft, has denied offences including raping the woman and stealing her phone.

When the alleged incident was reported to the police after the woman left Dale's home, he denied raping her and said that just because he had sex with her didn't mean he had raped her. 

The trial, which is expected to last the rest of this week, continues.