One of the region’s largest housing associations has delivered a record number of affordable homes in the last year to tackle the housing crisis in the east. 

Flagship Group, based in Norwich, provided 688 affordable homes over the course of the financial year to March – with plans to build thousands more over the next three decades.

The group also reported a strong financial performance, with its operating surplus growing to £90.1m.

This refers to its income from rents, service charges, and other core activities, minus what it spends on maintenance, repairs, staff wages and other expenses.

READ MORE: East set for house building boom to end housing crisis

Flagship recently announced a potential merger with Wolverhampton-based housing association Bromford.

Together they have pledging to deliver 2,000 homes each year for the next 30 years, with an aim of providing half at social rent.

Peter Hawes, chair of Flagship GroupPeter Hawes, chairman of Flagship Group (Image: Supplied)

Peter Hawes, chair of Flagship Group, said: "We are committed to ensuring that every customer feels heard, valued, and well-supported, and we look forward to another year of progress toward solving the housing crisis."

Flagship currently owns more than 32,000 homes across the East of England.

The group invested more than £95m into its existing properties last year, including more than £50m in capital improvements.