Equipment used for drugs was seized by officers conducting a stop and search in a west Suffolk town. 

On Monday afternoon, police in Haverhill were called to reports a group of four males were drinking and swearing around children in Strasbourg Square. 

Parts of the town are covered by the West Suffolk Public Spaces Protection Order which bans antisocial behaviour and disorder in certain areas. 

The order gives police officers the power to seize and dispose of alcohol and report persons to court if necessary.

Anyone who refuses to follow the conditions of the order within restricted areas may be given a fine of £80. 

READ MORE: Man charged with drink driving after allegedly refusing breath test

The group of men were moved on from the area and officers conducted a stop and search on one of the suspects. 

Drug paraphernalia was seized. 

A spokesman for Suffolk police said: "The whole group was captured on CCTV and descriptions obtained so we can link them to further incidents should they arise."