Relieved villagers are celebrating today after a district council began legal action against householders who have allowed piles of items to build up in the garden of their home in the picturesque Suffolk countryside.

Tonnes of items have been allowed to build up in the front and back garden of a home in Monks Eleigh, near Lavenham.

Now a notice has been served on the owners/occupiers of the property in Highlands Road by Babergh District Council where residents and neighbours have been complaining for months.

The front and back garden is overflowing with items which includes a microwave, tyre and bicycle.

"We have now served a notice on the owners/occupiers requiring the site to be cleared of all items that are not strictly necessary or associated with the ordinary use of the property as a home," a spokeperson said. 

"If there is no appeal against this, the notice comes into effect on September 26 and they will have three months to comply with it."

When contacted by the EADT a woman at Suffolk Recycling said the garden was in the process of being cleared and would be resolved by September 26.

People living in the area have spoken out on about the issue, stating "it should not be allowed."

One person, who wished to remain anonymous, said: "There is just no consideration for anyone.

"This started just after Covid.

"It is just really annoying. It should not be allowed - it is just disgusting."

Another said it was "about time" action was taken. 

The issue has been raised at Monks Eleigh Parish Council. 

Minutes from a parish council meeting on March 25 state the "accumulation" had been brought to the attention of Babergh District Council. 

It was also raised at previous parish council meetings in June and July.

A district council spokesperson added: "We are committed to maintaining the standard of the environment for our local communities.

"If there is an untidy property that is detrimental to the local neighbourhood, we will talk to owners or occupiers to advise what action they need to take."