A series of new leisure courses ranging from a new language to studying Instagram have been launched.

Suffolk New College has revealed a series of new adult learning programme in a series of creative fields. 

Options within the leisure learning programme include French lessons, photography, Japanese, printmaking and painting.

The new courses will start this monthThe new courses will start this month (Image: Suffolk New College)

Future courses planned will give people the chance to learning about British Sign Language or find out how to upcycle clothes.

The short courses on offer are taught in a relaxed way to encourage people to learn new skills.

Around 500 people took part in courses like these last year with the more popular classes being Japanese and pottery.

Tracey Macdonald, a business development co-ordinator at the college, said: “We are delighted to launch our new autumn programme.

The courses are open for adultsThe courses are open for adults (Image: Suffolk New College)

"The short affordable options offer the chance for people of all ages to learn, socialise and make new friends."

One of the courses on offer this year is an Instagram masterclass, taught in two hour sessions.

The teacher of the course, Elene Marsden, is a radio presenter with a strong following on social media, she said: “I think leisure learning is great as you get to try something that is new to you - and it can lead on to other things that may even change your life.”

Adam Green studied pottery  (Image: Suffolk New College)

Adam Green, 55, a project manager from Needham Market previously studied a pottery class at the college but will be studying ceramics this year. 

He said: "I’ve not done ceramics for 35 years since I was at school and really wanted to get back into it.

"Sometimes you get bogged down in your work so having two or three hours in the week where you have something to look forward to where you can decompress, is brilliant."