Farmers across Norfolk and Suffolk have been told to "urgently act now" as restrictions against the bluetongue virus BTV3 are escalated.

A temporary control zone limiting the movement of susceptible animals was previously implemented around Haddiscoe after a sheep was declared infected.

A total of five premises across Norfolk and Suffolk have now declared they are infected.

Therefore, as of 8pm on August 30, the control zone has been escalated to a strict restriction zone covering both counties.

This means susceptible animals - cattle, sheep, deer, other ruminants and camelids - can only be moved from infected premises under license.

Essential moves can take place without a license within the restriction zone but permission is required to remove animals from the affected area.

Bluetongue virus is primarily transmitted by midge bites and affects cattle, goats, sheep, goats, deer and camelids such as llamas and alpacas.

The impacts on susceptible animals can vary greatly – some show no clinical signs or effects at all while for others it can cause productivity issues such as reduced milk yield.

In the most severe cases can be fatal for infected animals.

It does not affect people, and meat and milk from infected animals are safe to eat and drink.

Surveillance is under way to understand if the virus is currently circulating in the UK. 

There have been a rising number of cases in northern Europe and the chief veterinary officer has called for increased vigilance and responsible sourcing of livestock.

Farmers should continue to monitor their animals and report any suspicions of disease immediately.

They should also make sure their animals and land are registered with APHA so keepers can be kept informed and animals easily located.

The UK's chief veterinary officer, Christine Middlemiss, said: “Following an increased number of bluetongue cases, we have declared a restricted zone across Suffolk and Norfolk.

"This means all keepers in these regions must urgently act now to both prevent the disease spreading to their herds and any further.

"Farmers are urged not to move animals within the zone unless it is absolutely necessary.

“We have not taken this action lightly and we are clear that farmers and their vets must remain vigilant and report any suspicions to APHA immediately."