Mike Lynch forged an unlikely friendship with the armed professionals ordered by a US court to guard him while under house arrest.

Although appointed to watch over him, he became "like family" and they would look forward to coming on duty, said Rolo Igno.

He was one of the guards assigned to the Suffolk tech tycoon - who died this month along with his younger daughter, Hannah, when the yacht Bayesian capsized off the coast of Sicily.  

After he was cleared of all the fraud charges he faced in the US and was back in Suffolk, Dr Lynch spoke fondly of his guards during an interview with this paper at the start of this month.

They were assigned to him after his extradition to the US and spent the next 13 months with him.

"I had to have armed guards. They were great - and they have become good friends - but it's a bit different having people with guns around. Some of these chaps were ex-Navy SEALs," recalled Dr Lynch, of Loudham Hall, near Wickham Market.

He found it amusing during the interview that it was felt necessary to assign him these armed burly keepers.

After his acquittal, Mr Igno visited Dr Lynch in London, Suffolk, in Ravello in Italy and on board his yacht.

"The last time I saw Mike, I thanked him for opening his Chelsea home, his beloved Loudham estate, and the beloved Bayesian to me and my family," said Mr Igno.

He spoke of Hannah as a "beautiful soul" and of Dr Lynch as "one of the most extraordinary individuals I've ever known".

"Over the past year, I had the privilege of spending almost every waking moment with Mike while he was in custody in San Francisco.

"I was part of the security detail, tasked with ensuring he didn’t escape and flee the country. It was unlike any other detail that I’ve ever worked and would later discover a life-changing one.

"I remember as Mike started moving into the House in Pacific Heights, the guys and I all started to question some of the packages being delivered.

"One day, a treadmill showed up, and the next, a super gaming computer with a full flight simulator with a VR setup.

"We couldn't help but joke—was Mike planning on getting in shape to outrun us and then take a plane and fly away?

"I jokingly brought it up to him one day and he laughed so hard. He assured me that we didn’t need to worry about him outrunning us anytime soon."

Mike Lynch recalled the incident during his interview with the East Anglian Daily Times - and clearly enjoyed the joke.

Despite being the "smartest man I ever knew", he "had a way of making you feel valued",  said Mr Igno.

"As an Executive Protection Agent, the number one rule is simple: 'Don’t ever get close to the principal.'

"They aren’t your friends, they’re a client and the relationship is strictly professional. But with Mike, that didn’t fly with him and for me that rule quickly dissolved."

He recalled escorting him along with his daughters Hannah and Esme to One Market Restaurant in San Francisco during their first visit to see him while under house arrest in the US.

Dr Lynch insisted that Mr Igno should sit with them rather than seating himself apart at the door.

"When I hesitated, not wanting to disrupt their family time, he insisted, saying, “Rolo, do you want me to tell my beautiful daughters that the tough and handsome security guy, who was a former marine, didn’t want to sit with us because he was intimidated by them?”

"How could I possibly say no to that? So, I joined them, sitting at the far end of the table, feeling out of my element but gradually realizing how genuine and loving they all were".

He spoke lovingly of his time with the family, and taking part in trivia quizzes with "super smart people questions".

"First up was Hannah, then Esme, and they both answered with ease, making their dad proud. I was enjoying the game until I realized that I was next. Immediately,  terror filled my body," he recalled.

"Mike, with that twinkle in his eye, knew exactly what he was doing. He looked at me and said: 'Rolo, in 1805 during the First Barbary War, the United States Marine Corps participated in the Battle of Derna. Where did it take place?'

"Suddenly, I felt like I was back in boot camp, but then it hit me—I knew this one! With as much composure as I could muster, I answered: 'The shores of Tripoli.'

"Mike smiled and nodded like a proud dad, and I let out a silent sigh of relief."

The year he  spent living with him allowed him "to experience first-hand his loving and caring heart".

"The security team became less of a detail and more like a family. We shared life stories during beach walks at Chrissy Field, with Mike’s dog Faucet often by our side.

"One of the most cherished memories I have is from our time in Ravello earlier this month. Overlooking the stunning Amalfi coast, Mike came up to me and said: 'Rolo, I feel so much better knowing you will always have my family’s back.'

"He was right, and Mike, if you’re listening, I will always have your back. I will forever be here for Angela and Esme."

Through his friendship with Dr Lynch he had met lifelong friends, he said.

"The entire Clifford Chance, Steptoe and Bayesian teams have also become part of this extended family - all thanks to Mike’s incredible gift for bringing people together," he said.

He would miss his masterful storytelling and Hannah's beautiful smile, loving soul and calming presence. "My daughter Emma will never forget the time you two shared," he said of Hannah.

"I don’t know what everyone’s beliefs are, but I believe that Mike and Hannah woke up in a far better place. Till we see each other again.  Hannah, take care of your daddy up there for me. Down here, I’ve got your mom and sister," he added.

(Image: Lynch family)