Outline plans for a fuel and electric charging station, roadside drive-thru restaurant and lorry park have been recommended approval. 

Mid Suffolk District Council's planning committee will debate proposals for the development on land to the east of the A140 in Brome, north Suffolk.

Wilkinson Planning submitted plans on behalf of RH Developments (East Anglia) Ltd to the authority in 2022. 

It would be located off the A140 roundaboutIt would be located off the A140 roundabout (Image: Google Maps)

The developer's planning statement described the area as a "prime commercial corridor". 

Plans include a petrol station and associated retail, roadside restaurant and drive-thru facility, approximately 24 business units and HGV and lorry park for drivers to rest at.

"The standout element of the proposal is the potential for electric vehicle charging," the planning statement adds.

"The petrol filling and electrical charging station would provide a clear benefit for receptors along the A140 travelling in both directions."

A number of objections have been received in response to the application, including concerns that it is not in the right location. 

Objections also included the possibility of an increase in anti-social behaviour, traffic flow and an increase in light pollution. 

However, a committee report stated the plans are "not considered to result in a significantly detrimental impact" on the highway. 

The report adds: "The proposal is considered to deliver significant economic benefits, in terms of expected job creation, and social benefits, in terms of providing additional services and facilities for local persons and employees, as well as the wider population.

"Whilst the proposal would result in a level of environmental harm in landscape, heritage asset setting, and highway convenience terms, it is considered that such impacts can be successfully mitigated to acceptable levels, by way of design and the imposition of planning conditions."

The outline plans have been recommended for approval, including a section 106 financial contribution from the developer to pedestrian and cycle improvements.