A much-loved animal rescue centre that has been in a Suffolk village for more than three decades has announced it will be closing down. 

Suffolk and Essex Small Animal Welfare (SESAW) is a registered charity that cares for a wide variety of abandoned or injured animals at its premises in Leavenheath on the Suffolk/Essex border.

Cats, dogs, rabbits, birds and pasture animal are looked after by a devoted team of volunteers until new owners can be found.

The organisation grew from small beginnings to becoming a well-respected and much loved part of the community. 

However it has been announced that the rescue centre will close down on Saturday, August 31. 

A statement posted on social media by the trustees reads: "Unfortunately, ongoing organisational problems, coupled with advancing years and health issues have placed a heavy burden upon all concerned in recent years.

"There will be no further admissions after that date but rehoming of animals currently in the care of SESAW will continue until all are safely relocated. Fortunately the Charity is financially secure with more than sufficient funds to carry out this task unimpeded.

"Any remaining funds will be redirected to likeminded charities with the same mission. This is a duty the Trustees take very seriously, in order to honour the donors who have contributed to the success of SESAW over the years.

"Those in need of help are advised to seek help from other animal rescue organisations.

"The ideal scenario would be for SESAW to go ‘out of business’ because it was no longer needed. Sadly, given the unrelenting behaviour of the human race, it seems animal rescues will always be needed.

"The Trustees send their very best wishes to those who carry on the good work."