Dexterous Dean Gould – Suffolk’s celebrated record breaker – will be marking a special double milestone next month at what is a real first in his life.

Dean, of Old Felixstowe, will be celebrating his 60th birthday and 40 years of record breaking with a special party – and, of course, will be aiming to set a new record on the night.

At the event, called Dean’s Big Who’s Who Celebration, sponsored By IronGlaze Windows, he will attempt to blow all 100 candles out on his birthday cake in the quickest time. The 100 candles will represent his age and four decades of record breaking.

But what will make the event even more special for Dean is that it’s his first birthday party – he has never been to a birthday party or been invited to a birthday party.

He is inviting anyone that knows him to the double celebration with the aim of making it the biggest birthday party in Felixstowe’s history and guests will include many dignitaries including former mayors, councillors, radio presenters, as well as friends and family.

The event will be held at Felixstowe and Walton Football Club HQ, Dellwood Avenue, on Friday, September 13 from 7pm to 11pm. There will be live music by The Delta Sunrise.

Dean, who is married to Natalie and has three grown-up children and also grandchildren, said: “It will be like a Who’s Who of Felixstowe. Everyone who attends will know most guests there.”

“This will be a special evening not just for me but for everyone who attends. I would like this double celebration to be the biggest in Felixstowe’s history and with all the support from everyone I have had over the last 40 years, I think it will be.”

He began record breaking in 1984 with his earliest records focussing on coin snatching and beer mat flipping. To mark his 40 years, a special award will be presented to Dean on the night by last year’s mayor and lifelong friend, councillor Seamus Bennett

Dean will also be presenting two special awards – to Michael Sharman and Tony Lazell, for their help in adjudicating many of his records over the years.

President and founder of Record Holders Republic UK, Dean holds more than 60 world records. His favourites include recalling from memory all 712 survivors from the sinking of RMS Titanic in 41 minutes 23 seconds; flipping and catching in one a single pile of 114 beermats; snatching 328 10-pence pieces from being balanced on his elbow and caught palm down; reciting Pi to 1,000 decimal places from memory in 8 minutes 14 seconds; bouncing a tennis ball on the side edge of a tennis racket 215 times in 1 minute; and flipping a pancake 416 times in two minutes.