A working dad has swapped a 30-year career to become a full-time foster parent.

Steve Mansfield, 55, from Suffolk, decided in 2018 that he would devote his time to fostering, fulfilling a lifelong ambition.

Mr Mansfield said: “I’ve always been involved in children’s activities, from school governance to teaching first aid.

"I’ve also been interested in special educational needs and disabilities as our birth son has Asperger's.”

Steve and his wife Maria now foster two brothers aged 12 and 16, creating a total role reversal as Mrs Mansfield returned to work.

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Their foster children arrived five days before lockdown for an emergency four-week placement.

Mr Mansfield said: “It was definitely a baptism of fire being thrown into lockdown so quickly, but we formed strong bonds as a family and really got to know each other.

"Now the boys don’t want to leave.”

Mr Mansfield stressed the importance of open conversations to help the boys process their experiences.

He said: “I’m a talker. I will talk about anything and have those really difficult conversations.

"In the beginning they weren’t able to talk about anything, let alone what they’ve been through but now I can’t get them to stop talking."

Working as a foster parent representative for Foster Care Associates (FCA) Eastern team across Suffolk, Essex, and Norfolk, he provides support to other foster parents too.

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With government figures showing 3,360 children are in care across these areas, Mr Mansfield is eager to recruit more foster parents.

He said: “If one person hears my story or understands the difference they can make then that’s huge.

“One person might not seem a lot but that’s a huge difference to a child’s life.

"Fostering can definitely be frustrating, but nothing compares to just how rewarding it is.

"There’s nothing like it.”

For more information about fostering with Foster Care Associates in Suffolk visit: https://www.thefca.co.uk/regions/eastern/