A parish council has said it is working hard to move on a large group of travellers who have pitched up in a village playing field. 

Haughley Parish Council has said they became aware of a "large number of caravans" arriving in the village on Monday.

A spokesman for the council said: "Understandably this has caused some concerns this week amongst the residents of Haughley parish, as it has meant restricted use of the playing fields and playground alongside some very real worries regarding noise, anti-social behaviour, litter and reported biohazard concerns around the disposal of human waste."

The council is working alongside the Norfolk & Suffolk Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Service to coordinate action to enable the site to be returned to local use.

The spokesman added: "With valuable support from representatives of the district and county councils and the police, we are committed to ensure the community and the unexpected visitors, find a swift and civil outcome, the site will then undergo an appropriate, environmental clean-up and returned to use with minimal delay.

"We remain hopeful of an amicable resolution without the need to take the legal steps that are open to us next."