Floral tributes have been left at the scene where a 57-year-old woman was fatally attacked in a south Suffolk village.

Anita Rose died in hospital on Sunday morning after the attack in Brantham last Wednesday.

Ms Rose, a mother of six, was found by a member of the public lying on a track road near to Rectory Lane.

Floral tributes spotted in BranthamFloral tributes spotted in Brantham (Image: Jude Holden)

She was walking her Springer Spaniel at the time of the assault, with police launching an attempted murder investigation.

That was upgraded to a murder probe after Ms Rose's death at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge.

Villagers have started to leave floral tributes close to the area where Ms Rose was found last week.

Mr Morrison said: "We’re quite devastated. My wife walks down there daily, it’s absolutely devastating. We live in a quiet little lane.

"It’s very sad for her family. We’ve seen her walking up and down here since we’ve got dogs ourselves and we always say hello."

He added that his wife is not comfortable about waking that way anymore.

Matt Calderbank who was on a walk in the area where the attack happened with his wife and child said: "This is horrendous for the neighbourhood.

"It’s devastating for such a quiet village where there’s no crime really for something like this to happen.

"It’s completely out of thenordinary and I’m lost for words really. I’m a little bit shaken and a bit worried

"We’re out here together the three of us and we know the area really well but it did make us think twice about coming out. I’m comforted a little bit because they’ve  made arrests."

Anita Rose has died after the attack last weekAnita Rose has died after the attack last week (Image: Suffolk police)

A 45-year-old man from the Ipswich area was arrested on suspicion of murder, while a 37-year-old woman, also from the Ipswich area, was detained on suspicion of handling stolen goods in connection with the incident. 

The pair have been released on bail with conditions to return on October 25.