Calls for a change in the speed limit and other deterrents have increased along a town centre street after a muntjac was hit by a car.

Catherine Woollard and her neighbours were awoken at about 3am on Sunday to the animal crying out in pain in Bury Street, Stowmarket. 

The police were called and put the muntjac down.

Mrs Woollard and her neighbours want to see deterrents to stop speeding put in placeMrs Woollard and her neighbours want to see deterrents to stop speeding put in place (Image: Google Maps)

It has led to neighbours along the street calling for deterrents to stop people from speeding.

"It was really traumatic," said Mrs Wollard. "It was a hideous thing to go through and quite surreal.

"We just want people to slow down coming off that roundabout. It's all times of the day.

"We definitely need some kind of deterrent for people driving. We can't wait for it to be a child running out."

Mrs Woollard praised the police for how they handled the situation and the quickness of their response. 

Bury Street from the Gipping Way roundaboutBury Street from the Gipping Way roundabout (Image: Catherine Woollard)

Her and her neighbours have been in contact with the council to see if they could put signs along the road to stop people speeding, as well as the possibility of introducing a 20mph speed limit.

"When the A14 was being done they had flashing signs of 'slow down' and I thought that must make such a big difference," Mrs Woollard added. 

"It's the centre of town going into the main town. 

"People don't care coming from the roundabout. They just drive down here like it's 60mph. They literally just use it as a rat run to come down here as fast as possible and then it is hideous."