A west Suffolk man who assaulted his partner after accusing him of spending too much money will be sentenced in September.

Before Ipswich Crown Court on Monday for a plea hearing via a prison video link was 23-year-old Ryan Jones of Cangle Junction, Haverhill.

He pleaded guilty to using coercive and controlling behaviour in a relationship between November last year and June this year by the repeated use of violence including assaulting his partner during an argument about him spending too much money, assaulting him for getting directions wrong and assaulting him when he asked for help with a domestic task.

Jones denied eight charges of intentional strangulation and a charge of threatening his partner with a weapon and the prosecution said it wasn’t seeking a trial on those charges.

Judge Richard Kelly adjourned sentence on Ryan, who has no previous convictions, until September 6 for a pre-sentence report.

He warned him that the fact he was asking for a pre-sentence report shouldn’t be taken as any indication of the sentence he would receive.