The trial of a Foxhall man who was accused driving a car while over the alcohol limit in an east Suffolk town centre has been discontinued as the defendant has died.

Linas Kaukenas was due to appear before Suffolk Magistrates' Court in Ipswich charged with driving a motor vehicle when above the alcohol limit in Felixstowe.

According to a court listing, the incident allegedly happened on September 10 last year in Garrison Lane in Felixstowe town centre.

Kaukenas, of Bucklesham Road in Foxhall, outside of Ipswich, was accused of having 41 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.

This measurement was slightly over the legal limit of 35 microgrammes.

The car the defendant was allegedly driving at the time in the east Suffolk town was a Toyota.

However, a court listing confirmed the offence had been withdrawn at the court as the defendant had died.

Kaukenas was 54 at the time of his death, the court listing added.