A 30-year-old Colchester man who attacked a woman with a baseball bat during an argument has been given a suspended prison sentence.

George Mitchell had grabbed hold of the woman’s arm causing scratches and when she laughed at him he had picked up a baseball bat and hit her with it, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

On another occasion he had thrown a cup at her which shattered causing cuts and scratches to her back and he had then thrown a saucepan and a frying pan at her, said Stephen Mather, prosecuting.

Mitchell had also kicked the woman's legs and punched her in what Recorder Richard Conley described as a “prolonged and persistent” assault.

Mitchell, of Capstan Place, Colchester, had denied two offences of assaulting the woman causing her actual harm but was convicted of both after a trial.

He was given a two-year prison sentence suspended for two years, 120 hours of unpaid work, a 10-day rehabilitation activity requirement and ordered to take part in a Building Better Relationships programme.

He was also banned from contacting the victim of the assaults for 10 years.