People living in Suffolk are being warned against rogue traders scams after some lost nearly £10,000 to scams. 

Suffolk Trading Standards received complaints of a similar nature on Monday following an increase in reports of residents who have paid traders for work which is never completed. 

One person living in Woodbridge contacted a trader on Facebook to carry out roofing work. 

They paid £8,000 upfront for tiles and to book the scaffolder. 

A spokesman for Suffolk Trading Standards said: "Since paying there has been no work carried out and just a string of excuses from the trader.

"The consumer only has a name, telephone number and Facebook page for the trader."

READ MORE: Warnings after person fleeced of £200 in fake Kevin Costner profile scam

In a second incident, a person living near Bury St Edmunds paid an individual £1,500 to install a hot tub. 

Some of the work was carried out - but not the the standard required by the consumer. 

The consumer also only had the first name and telephone number of the trader. 

Suffolk Trading Standards has now issued advice stating to never hand over money without seeing proper paperwork and to not feel pressured into making decisions on the spot.