An inquest has concluded into the death of a 46-year-old man who became pinned under the car he was repairing.

Nicholas Campbell, from Woolpit, died on August 6 2023.

Mr Campbell had been repairing the exhaust of his car, a Jaguar, on the driveway of his home, Suffolk Coroner's Court heard on Friday. 

The court heard the car had been on ramps while Mr Campbell worked on the car.

At about 4.30pm on August 6, his wife went into the couple’s front garden.

She saw that her husband had become trapped, as the vehicle had come off the ramps which were holding it up.

Two neighbours assisted in pulling Mr Campbell from under the vehicle after Mrs Campbell called for help.

Emergency services were called and recorded Mr Campbell's time of death at 5.39pm.

In his conclusion, the senior coroner for Suffolk Nigel Parsley concluded Mr Campbell's cause of death was accidental.