A team of volunteers from a west Suffolk developer has been busy with paintbrushes and rollers giving the Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre a much-needed fresh look.

The team of eight from Denbury Homes, based in Westley near Bury St Edmunds, spent two days painting a lounge, hallways and countless doors at the centre.

Most of the paint was supplied by the Dulux Decorating Centre in Bury St Edmunds with Millprior Estates, one of Denbury Homes’ regular contractors, contributing the remainder.

Staff from Millprior Estates also helped prepare the walls before joining the Denbury Homes team for two days of painting.

Joshua Hopkins painting the centre in Bury St EdmundsJoshua Hopkins painting the centre in Bury St Edmunds (Image: Denbury Homes)

Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre is currently home to eight women and 10 children in need of a safe space to escape dangerous domestic situations.

Joshua Hopkins, land director at Denbury Homes, said: “Our team is very proud to have Bury St Edmunds as our hometown and always enthusiastically gets involved if there is an opportunity to give practical support to a local charity.

"We’ve made financial donations to Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre in the past and know what important work they are doing.

"Painting the living space was a great way for our team to offer some practical support and help the centre’s staff create a welcoming environment."