A drug dealer who was deported from the UK five years ago after being jailed for drug dealing returned to the country last year and resumed his drug dealing activities in Suffolk , a court has heard.

Jailing Gioulian Kola for four years, Judge Emma Peters said that when he was stopped by police as he was driving a car in Mildenhall in October he had 30 bags of cocaine worth £1,500 in a compartment behind the steering wheel.

She said that in 2019 Kola was deported ten months into a three and a half year sentence for drug dealing and had illegally returned to the UK in May last year in breach of the deportation order.

Kola, of Bradford Road, Shipley, admitted possessing cocaine with intent to supply, entering the UK in breach of a deportation order and driving without insurance.

Gioulian Kola was jailed for four years at Ipswich Crown Court.Gioulian Kola was jailed for four years at Ipswich Crown Court. (Image: Suffolk Constabulary)

He was jailed for 40 months for the drug supply offence with eight months to run consecutively for the deportation offence.

Simeon Wallis, prosecuting, said that when police officers in an unmarked car stopped the Ford Mondeo Kola was driving in Mildenhall he told them that what they were looking for was in a compartment behind the steering wheel.

In addition to 30 grip seal bags containing cocaine weighing a total of 11.7g police seized £360 cash and an iPhone containing messages consistent with the postcode drug delivery model. 

Marc Brown for Kola accepted that his client had returned to the UK last year after being deported and had continued drug dealing in the same way he had done before.

He said Kola was aware that if he returned to the UK and was convicted of a third drug dealing offence he would be liable for a minimum term sentence.

Mr Brown said his client would be deported back to Albania at some stage during his sentence.