An independent school for students with ongoing complex social, emotional, mental health (SEMH) difficulties has made several changes since an inspection found it required improvement. 

Cambian Dunbroch School in Fordham Road, Newmarket, was visited by Ofsted in September 2023 when it was deemed to require improvement with inspectors citing inconsistent quality in the delivery of the curriculum, a lack of effective careers programme and an ineffective PSHE programme amongst issues. 

The school, which has seven pupils aged 11 to 18 and annual fees of £57,136, was visited by Ofsted on May 9 for a progress monitoring inspection. 

During the monitoring inspection it was found that leaders have since restructured the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education scheme and reviewed the quality of its delivery meaning pupils now enjoy a coherent programme, now meeting the standard. 

It deemed leaders have "sensibly organised" a programme of advice and guidance with opportunities for pupils to receive careers advice from an independent adviser, also now meeting the standard. 

The monitoring inspection report, published on June 10, said the school "continues to have effective safeguarding practices" and "staff are well trained and alert to the signs of potential harm."

They said leaders work well with external agencies to ensure vulnerable pupils are supported and found the behaviour policy is effective and understood.

The inspection also highlighted some areas where standards have not yet been met. 

In the report inspectors said staff "do not consistently deliver challenging learning activities that enable pupils to achieve as well as they could" and added that the school has not yet trained staff in how to implement a new programme of teaching phonics.

It states: "Since the previous standard inspection, the school has been designing a curriculum for reading. This has not yet been completed for key stage 3." 

Inspectors said since September the leadership team has been increased in size with more training for staff and leaders, which has "contributed towards some improvements to the quality of education." 

The report continued: "Further training is needed to develop leaders’ abilities to plan the curriculum as effectively as they could. This is particularly the case regarding leaders’ work in clarifying exactly what knowledge pupils must learn in each subject."

A Cambian Group spokesperson said: "Improvements were noted in the Ofsted monitoring visit report with clear areas of compliance being met, we are confident the positive trajectory of improvements will continue. 

"The improvements have been supported through the Senior Leadership Team being bolstered, together with close leadership and management oversight. 

"The school continues to show progress towards the quality standards we would expect and we would expect this to be reflected in the next full inspection."