Warmer temperatures - with the chance of a heatwave - are expected to hit Suffolk this month.

After reaching 27C last week, the county has started to cool but weather maps have suggested this may not be for long.

Echoing the dull start to June, July is forecast for a wet and mild first week - with temperatures hovering in the high teens with lots of light rain and scattered showers.

The unsettled weather is set to continue until about Sunday, July 14 before sunnier conditions return.

A Met Office spokesman said: "This period is likely to see a continuation of the changeable conditions, with occasional bands of rain.  

"There will be a good deal of dry, warm, and settled weather in between frontal systems, with the best conditions most likely in the south and east."

After Monday, July 15, Netweather's maps indicate that Suffolk could bask in warmer temperatures.

The forecaster said: "Confidence in the extent and timing of these hot and sunny spells is low, but it looks somewhat likely that this period will be warmer than average, possibly by 2C or more in some areas of the country."

The Met Office has also agreed that a mid-month signal from July 15 could cause "temperatures close to average at first but with a greater chance of warmer than average conditions later in the period".